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sailing school liability waiber and release form

Signing this form is required to participate in any activity offered by the sailing school Ecole de Voile Antoine Albeau, including courses, private lessons, group lessons, and equipment rental. A single form per person is valid for all activities undertaken during the current year.


I, the undersigned, acknowledge and accept the following:


     1. Inherent Risks: I acknowledge that sailing is an activity that involves risks, including but not limited to falls, collisions, changing weather conditions, drowning, falling into the water, and minor or serious physical injuries such as fractures, cuts, etc.  


     2. Health: I declare that I am in good health and do not suffer from any illness or medical condition that would prevent me from safely engaging in this activity.


     3. Personal Responsibility: I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am responsible for my own actions. I acknowledge and accept that the sailing school, its employees, owners, and/or instructors cannot be held responsible for any personal injury, material damage, or any other harm resulting from participation in the activity, except in cases of gross negligence on the part of the school.


     4. Commitment to Follow Rules: I agree to follow all safety rules and the instructions provided by the sailing school staff.


      5. Use of Equipment: I agree to use the equipment provided with care, to report any damage, and not to lend it to third parties.


      6. Minors: If the participant is a minor, their legal guardian must sign this form on their behalf.


By signing this document, I declare that I have read, understood, and accepted the above conditions.

Place and Date: ___________________________________________________________
Participant's Full Name:_____________________________________________________


If minor:


Legal guardian’s full name and signature.


Download, sign and bring to our office your liability waiver on the first day of booked activity.

click here

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